
hg8868皇冠下载 offers 地图 opportunities on land the company owns. This activity is a way to provide participants with interesting facts and educational opportunities related to hydropower, 历史, 地质和自然环境.

为了会见Groundspeak公司. requirements and maintain community standards related to cache siting, hg8868皇冠下载 has established the following guidelines for private 地图 on hg8868皇冠下载-owned lands:

  • No private geocache may be sited on hg8868皇冠下载-owned property without prior authorization from hg8868皇冠下载. 联系 地图@85500171.com prior to installing or placing a geocache. 地图.com will not authorize new geocaches on private land without proof of landowner consent.
  • The Fundamental Placement Guidelines provided by Groundspeak Inc. and all local laws and documented land management policies also ggovern the physical location of any geocache placed with permission on hg8868皇冠下载 Land. Before placing or submitting geocaches, please read the guidelines and Regional 地图 政策 Wiki at www.地图.com.